Rebecca Taseff
Principal Consultant, Perth
Rebecca is a keen educator, and has lectured in employment law at Perth universities, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. She has recently been appointed an adjunct lecturer at the College of Law. Rebecca is a regular speaker at conferences and seminars, has authored numerous articles and conducted many training seminars in workplace relations and human resources.
Rebecca is a highly experienced employment lawyer, commencing legal practice in 1996.
After a varied career in employment and industrial law, she now specialises in workplace investigations, reviews and mediations.
Rebecca has worked at leading law firms in Perth and Melbourne, as well as working in-house in workplace relations. Her clients have included employers in the mining, construction, telecommunications, oil and gas, finance, emergency services, hospitality, higher education and health industries. As well as providing advice on a range of general employment related matters, Ms Taseff has also been engaged on specific projects including policy and contract reviews, providing in-house EEO and other workplace compliance training, dispute management, enterprise agreement negotiations and workplace investigations. Rebecca recently successfully led negotiations for multiple enterprise agreements across a remote workforce of 2500, negotiating with multiple unions and employee representatives.
Rebecca has worked at leading law firms in Perth and Melbourne, as well as working in-house in workplace relations. Her clients have included employers in the mining, construction, telecommunications, oil and gas, finance, emergency services, hospitality, higher education and health industries. As well as providing advice on a range of general employment related matters, Ms Taseff has also been engaged on specific projects including policy and contract reviews, providing in-house EEO and other workplace compliance training, dispute management, enterprise agreement negotiations and workplace investigations. Rebecca recently successfully led negotiations for multiple enterprise agreements across a remote workforce of 2500, negotiating with multiple unions and employee representatives.
Rebecca is a keen educator, and has lectured in employment law at Perth universities, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. She has recently been appointed an adjunct lecturer at the College of Law. Rebecca is a regular speaker at conferences and seminars, has authored numerous articles and conducted many train ing seminars in workplace relations and human resources.