Simon Thorne
Principal Consultant / Practice Leader, Melbourne
Simon’s background as a senior executive with exposure to senior executive teams and public and private boards places him in a unique position to assist clients manage complex cultural challenges in a sensitive and appropriate manner.
In addition, Simon has extensive experience in workplace relations and the associated legislation, and brings to his consulting role broader knowledge of client workplace relations strategies, enterprise negotiations experience and the Fair Work Australia jurisdiction.
Simon Thorne has over 30 year’s experience in all aspects of workplace culture and works with Worklogic’s clients to uncover the underlying drivers of culture within the workplace and assists these clients to implement effective strategies to enhance organisational culture.
Simon has conducted Workplace Culture reviews for a wide variety of industries and sectors.
Simon is also a very experienced workplace investigator, focusing on bullying and harassment, inappropriate behaviour, and fraud. Simon has an in-depth understanding of how inappropriate behaviour affects employee engagement, productivity and workplace dynamics.